My question is:
Why don't the Democrats just come out and admit they agree with Trump on this issue?
The sanctions on Venezuela started under Obama, so the Dem party leadership obviously wants regime-change in Venezuela as much as the GOP. Both parties are slaves to Wall Street, whose investors drool over the thought of re-claiming Venezuela's oil.
Are Democrats keeping mum because they are afraid their membership will object to their party leaders openly agreeing with Trump?
Well, those leaders do.
We see and hear all the hand-wringing about the suffering of the Venezuelan people under Maduro, but not a peep about Yemen, where people are suffering FAR, FAR more, and partly due to US policy.
Then, there's the deafening Democratic Party outcry about Russian meddling in the 2016 election, while there is just stone silence on regime-changing another country's elected leader to an UN-elected one.
Democrats who do not oppose regime-change in Venezuela are hypocrites who share in Trump's duplicitiveness and greed.
New, improved version ...
Civil war or US-instigated "revolution" in Venezuela will be deadly to that nation's citizens.